
About Capta

Meet the Capta Collection. At our gallery space in Ghent you'll find works from over seventy-five photographic greats, from the humanist pioneers of postwar Europe to groundbreaking icons of Latin and North America. Long lives, lives cut short, lives still lived — all spent capturing the truth of a moment, an era or a feeling.

The collection showcases the power of the medium as social documentary. The duality of these images, shot across the twentieth century and into the twentieth-first, lies in their ability to take a snapshot of — or pass comment on — society, while demonstrating an illusive technical mastery.

As such, the Capta Collection pursues a simple objective: to be a space for inspiration and appreciation, and a forum in which enthusiasts, artists and the politically engaged can come together to explore the power of visual language.


Thierry Cattoir

Photographic Advisor, Collector & Curator

Thierry Cattoir has spent the last two decades amassing a personal collection of the photographic art that speaks to him. His dedication to promoting social awareness and empowering dialogue through art is the driving force behind Capta, providing a space for artists and photography enthusiasts to come together in appreciation.


Nicole Grillet

Collector & Co-Founder

Nicole Grillet is the co-founder and partner of Capta Collection. With a deep appreciation for the power of photography, she is dedicated to nurturing the art community and making Capta a dynamic hub for photographers and enthusiasts. Nicole's passion for the extraordinary make her an integral part of Capta's mission to celebrate the world of photography.